When I was talking with my wife the other day she said something to me that I guess I knew, but didn't really know how to describe it. "You've just lost your fire. It's just been snuffed out lately."
It was something I needed to hear for a lot of reasons. I sure don't want to be an example to my kids of just going through the motions at anything. If they see their Dad living without passion, how can I help them grow to find theirs?
I know that things are different for a lot of people these days. Jobs are jobs. If you are lucky enough to have one, chances are that you are doing it to try to provide for your family. Working in the ministry, I've come to realize that I am not able to provide for my family the way I see lots of other men doing it. This just isn't a good feeling. After all, isn't that what the man is supposed to do? I guess I need to realize that what He has chosen to have me do, it is truly up to God to provide for us. We haven't missed any meals. We have a roof over our heads. We are very blessed. But I wouldn't be human if I didn't admit that sometimes I'd like to have more than that. I'd love to be able to send my kids to baseball camp. To be able to afford spending a few nights out of town with Angie without stressing out over how much it is going to cost to eat once we get there.
I guess I really need to get my fire back for what I'm doing and for whom I am doing it. If it is just to pay the bills, I could probably make more in construction. But that isn't really what He wants me to do. It is time to get the fire back and re-ignite my passion to serve Christ and other people. (And when somebody comes after me trying to put out that fire, I'm going to have to squash'em like a bug!)